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Front cover - Trends in sustainability 2023
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Editorial review:

Different stakeholders in the transformer industry are starting their journeys toward higher sustainability through product life cycle assessment, refurbishment evaluation, ideas on how to improve periodic oil testing, etc. However, we are still far from having common practices or standards.

In this situation, Transformers Magazine, as an independent party, is successfully reducing the gaps, organizing excellent conferences and conducting insightful research projects.

I am sure that any person interested in this field will find valuable insights in this report and adopt the new way of thinking and acting toward more sustainable transformers, whatever they may be!”

Transformer Engineer at EDF
Executive Editor of Transformers Magazine


Product details

Publisher: Merit Media Int., Croatia
Publication date: 6 February 2023
Language: English
File size: 1.6 MB
Pages: 62
Format: PDF

ISBN: 978-953-49295-5-1 (digital)


About the report:

The report provides answers to 26 important questions relating to sustainability in order to provide the most accurate, unbiased insights to corporate management and management responsible for sustainability, business and technology development. Such information is not only valuable in terms of getting insights into your customers’ priorities but also in terms of understanding the steps that need to be taken in order to improve your position on the market and maximise your sustainability rating and, thus, competitiveness.

This report is a part of the Transformers Magazine’s Industry Navigator Conference 2022 Sustainability – outlook for the transformer industry, where the industry leading experts presented and discussed solutions, priorities, and activities with the objective of harmonizing the requirements and documentation to the greatest possible extent with the aim to improve sustainability in the industry.

From the authors:

Sustainability as a term is widely used. “What is sustainability” is by far the most googled question about sustainability, with 58,000 average monthly searches, according to a recently published google research report.

There are daily news on initiatives intended to improve the sustainability of the energy sector. However, these initiatives can be successful only if they are prepared on basis of relevant insights into market trends, including customers’ requirements and priorities – not only current ones, but also future ones.

We hope that this report will help in preparing and conducting sustainability initiatives as well as in harmonization of these initiatives across the industry so that we can achieve the goals within a shorter time.


About the authors:

MLADEN BANOVIC is a scientist and innovator in the field of energy transmission with over 20 years of technical and managerial experience in the field.

He currently holds the positions of Director and Editor-in-Chief at Merit Media Int. – the company behind the Transformers Magazine, Transformers Academy and Transformers Forum brands.

Education: PhD, MSc, and BSc degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Affiliations: IEEE Senior Member, member of CIGRE and the European Association of Science Editors (EASE).



ANTO BANOVIC studies multimedia computing at Algebra University College in Zagreb. His interests include big data analysis, programming, 3D modelling and simulations, and social media.


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