UKPN installs smart substation

UK Power Networks has installed the "smart" Maidstone substation in Kent, the first in a series to be equipped to communicate to other sites.


UKPN installs smart substation

Image for illustration purposes.

UK, Kent: UK Power Networks has installed the Maidstone substation in Kent. The “smart” substation is the first in a series to be equipped to communicate, in an advanced way, to other sites which could allow more distributed generators to connect to the network across the South East of England.

UKPN’s innovative Constellation trial is installing powerful computers in existing substations to better analyse power flows, and redirect energy to optimise infrastructure and cater for future needs. The next-generation digital substations will use AI and machine learning to allow more energy to be released onto the network and help accelerate the transition to Net Zero carbon emissions.

If the trial is successful, strategically positioned smart substations could allow network operators to dynamically shift the settings, freeing up to 50% of additional capacity. Allington Energy from Waste has become the first distributed generator to connect to the new system, with a dedicated smart substation installed at its Maidstone site. Five more smart substations are set to be installed throughout the South East of England as part of the trial.

Luca Grella, head of innovation at UKPN, commented: “This is a groundbreaking innovation for our network, and the first of a series of smart substations which could make a real difference for our customers and the environment. Enhancing the service provided to our energy-generating customers, and making our network more resilient in the process, will go a long way to preparing our network for a decarbonised future, and will allow more renewable energy resources to connect.”

Source: UK Power Networks